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MCC is closed today, Wednesday, January 22, 2025, due to anticipated weather conditions. In-person classes, events and activities are canceled. Online classes will continue as usual and are not impacted by the closure.
MCC will reopen tomorrow at 6:00 a.m.

College Terms

The first time you open a college catalog or read any college publication, you’ll find terms that may be unfamiliar to you. The following common college terms are ones that you’ll need to know as an MCC student.

Advisement Key
A six-digit alternate PIN number used to "unlock" online registration access for students required to meet with an academic advisor.

Articulation Agreements
Agreements signed between MCC and participating four-year colleges and universities outlining the requirements for transferring to parallel programs at those institutions. Articulation Agreements ensure that after you graduate from MCC, you can transfer with junior status and complete most baccalaureate degree programs in two years. Each participating college has its own admission and course requirements.

Degree Works (Program Audit)
A report that indicates your progress toward completing a particular certificate or degree program. It details what you have completed and courses you still need to fulfill curriculum requirements.

Course Information Sheet
College policy requires that each faculty member provides the enrolled students with information about that particular course during the first week of class. This document includes course learning outcomes, class policies, and grading information. This is sometimes referenced as a course syllabus.

Credit by Examination
Earn up to 36 semester hours of credit toward your degree by taking different types of examinations, which include department, CLEP and DANTES exams. The cost for Credit by Examination is equal to the rate for one credit hour.

Credit Hours
Each course carries a certain number of credit hours. These credit hours are listed in the course description. You need a specific number of credit hours in the appropriate courses to earn a degree or certificate. The number of credit hours a student is registered for is also used to determine full-time status and financial aid eligibility.

Cumulative Grade-Point Average
Also known as your GPA. This is the overall average from the grades and grade points you receive and the credits you earn in all the courses you take. Grade points range from 4.00 for an “A” to 0.00 for an “F.” You must have at least a 2.00 (a “C” average) to graduate from MCC.

A curriculum is a program of courses approved for a specific degree or certificate. To earn a degree or certificate in a specific program, you must complete the curriculum for that program.

Dean’s List
To make the Dean’s List, you must be matriculated in a program and have earned a grade point average of 3.5 or higher with no grades of “I” or “F” for the semester. Full-time students must complete 12 credit hours for the semester; part-time students must complete 6 credit hours.

The Dean’s List letter and a media release form will be emailed to recipients approximately four weeks after the semester has ended. The designation of Dean’s List will appear on the student’s academic transcript.
You can also find further information regarding Dean's List by semester.

Degree Works (Program Audit)
A report that indicates your progress toward completing a particular certificate or degree program. It details what you have completed and courses you still need to fulfill curriculum requirements.

Drop for Non-Payment of Tuition
If you do not pay your tuition bill by the due date, your classes may be cancelled. If that occurs, you may be able to re-register but your original classes may not be available. In addition, you will be charged a Re-registration Fee of $25.00. Contact Student Accounts for more information.

Scheduled times when you can drop a course you’re registered for and/or add a new one.

Many programs include electives, which are credit courses of the student’s choice that can be applied toward the requirements of the degree or certificate.

Email (electronic mail)
The College uses MCC email to conduct and notify students of college-related business and share important reminders. All students receive an email address. There is no need to request or sign up for an account. You simply setup your account using the information provided to you in your Network Account Setup Letter and login via myMCC. Email is the primary method of communication with the College. Please read your email regularly for announcements and to keep in touch with faculty. The College considers MCC e-mail as an official means of communication.

Full-Time Student
A student who is enrolled for 12 or more credit hours in a Fall or Spring semester.

Honors Sections (HON)
Honors sections include the same material covered in regular sections of a course, but in greater depth, with opportunities for students to pursue individual interests. For new students, eligibility is based on prior academic records, courses taken, grades, class standing and/or letters of recommendation. For continuing MCC students, eligibility is based on completion of at least 12 credit hours, with a minimum grade-point average of 3.25 and/or recommendation by a professor. Students who meet this requirement will automatically be sent an honors application prior to class registration.

Hybrid Courses
Courses that are taught partly online and partly on campus. The on-campus component may occur weekly or as little as once or twice a semester.

Independent Study
An opportunity to work independently under the guidance of a faculty sponsor. Designed for students who want to extend their education beyond the standard course structure of classroom activity. Not intended as a substitute for an existing course.

Instructor Permission
After the drop-add period has ended, only the course instructor can allow a student into their course. The term refers to a green colored piece of paper given to students which in turn was given to the Registration and Registration Office as proof the student was allowed in the class. Instructors can electronically update their class roster to “green slip” a student into the class.

Intent to Graduate
If you are a candidate for a degree or certificate, you must complete and submit an “Intent to Graduate” application prior to your final semester of study. Forms and deadline dates can be obtained online or from Advisement and Graduation Services, Bldg. 1-231.

An abbreviated session offered in January that lets you complete a credit-bearing course between Fall and Spring semesters.

Learning Centers
On-site centers where you can get help from faculty tutors, videos, and interactive software. There are special learning centers for accounting, computer graphics, computer-related curricula, computing information systems, dental hygiene, economics, languages, transitional studies, mathematics, writing, nursing, psychology, natural sciences and physics.

Learning Community Courses (LC)
A Learning Community is a group of students who take two or more courses together in the same semester. The courses are coordinated by two or more faculty who work closely together under a common educational theme. Course content and assignments are linked to connect the courses and increase students’ learning.

Master Class Schedule
The list of courses being taught during the semester. The master schedule is posted on-line.

Matriculated Student
A student who has applied for and been formally accepted as a candidate for a degree in a specific curriculum. You must be matriculated in a degree program before you are eligible for a degree or certificate from the College. You must also be a matriculated student to receive financial aid.

Non-Matriculated Student
A student who is taking courses without applying for candidacy for a degree.

Online Courses (Open SUNY)
Internet or online courses let you attend classes any time, any place. Each semester, MCC offers over 100 online courses through the SUNY Learning Network. In an online course the instructor and students are connected to each other through Open SUNY. In an online course the instructor and students are connected through an Internet-based network. Students receive instruction, compose and submit assignments, ask questions of the instructor and other students, discuss issues, and actively participate. Open SUNY is a SUNY-wide collaboration that offers world-wide online-enabled learning opportunities. All credits earned are fully transferable. MCC currently offers more than 100 classes and 40 degree programs through Open SUNY.

Designed to help new students become part of the College community. There are two types: College Orientation and Academic Orientation.

College Orientation introduces you to campus life, helps you make connections with other members of the community, and teaches you about College facilities, services and resources. It also includes the SUNY photo ID process. Academic Orientation describes a specific program of study and its requirements.

Part-Time Student
A student who is taking fewer than 12 credit hours in a Fall or Spring semester.

Priority Registration
A three-week registration period when students who have more than one cumulative semester of college credits can register for classes before anyone else. Open registration for all other students, including new, re-admitted, transfer, and second-degree students follows.

Program/Major Change
If you want to change your program/major (curriculum), you must apply for a major change on line through the MyMCC portal. Select the Student Services tab then Request a major change.

The process of selecting and signing up for courses you want to take for the semester.

Service Learning Courses (SV)
Students enrolled in service learning sections of courses combine civic engagement with academic coursework in a way that benefits both the student and the community. Service projects can range from 5 to 135 hours and can be an option or requirement. Students who complete 200 hours of service learning will receive a special diploma distinction upon graduation.

Student Number
Your student number is your permanent, official college identification number.

Summer Session
There are two Summer Sessions offered each year. Summer credit courses are offered days and evenings at both MCC campuses (Brighton and Damon City Campus) as well as online. Enrollment is open to any student who has satisfied course prerequisites.

SUNY (State University of New York)
SUNY is a system of 64 public campuses (colleges and universities) across New York State. MCC is a unit of the SUNY system and one of 30 community colleges.

Sustainability Courses (GR)
Sustainability is grounded on the conviction that societies should develop ways to meet their present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to provide for their own needs. Sustainability is a field of inquiry that overlaps a vast array of MCC disciplines. Courses that deal with sustainability are designated “GR” on the Class Schedule, and can be used to fulfill requirements toward the Sustainability Certificate.

An official record of the courses you have taken and the grades you have received.

URSICA (Undergraduate Research, Scholarly Inquiry, and/or Creative Activity) provides an active, inquiry-based learning environment emphasizing the language and processes of research/creative activity in the classroom. The "UR" designation promotes a culture in which students are encouraged to explore, enter, and advance dialogues in academic disciplines through research.

Wait List
Many high-demand courses have electronic wait lists available. Wait lists are activated when a course’s maximum enrollment has been reached and the course is closed. As seats become available, wait listed students are moved into the course. More information about our Waitlist process, including schedule information, can be found online.

Withdrawal from Courses
After the drop/add period and up to approximately 80% of the course has been completed, you can withdraw from individual courses via the web or by completing a “Withdrawal” form. NO REFUND is given. After the deadline (which is published each term for full-term courses), you cannot withdraw from individual courses. You may, however, withdraw completely from the College prior to final exams. If you withdraw completely, you will have to reapply for admission to register for future terms.

Writing-Intensive Courses (WR)
Courses that emphasize learning the course content through both formal and informal writing assignments. Writing-intensive courses may be in any discipline. These courses are indicated by a “WR” on the master schedule.